November 14, 2022 – Sanding the walls
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Mozambique is a Southern Africa located country, that is bathed to the east by the Indian Ocean. Its population ascends to 28 million inhabitants and has an average life expectancy of 55 years, and illiteracy and scolarity rates of around 59% and 89% respectively. Almost 70% of Mozambicans live in rural areas. Despite having broad arable land, energy ressources, minerals and sizeable reserves of natural gas, the country faces problems related to its unsustainable debt burden, and its humain development index of 180/188, is one of the lowerest in the World.
Our History
Our NGO emerged in 2019, following to the solidarity movement nationaly and internationaly triggered by the devastating impact of the cyclones IDAI and Kenneth, occurred in the center and in the north of the country during the first quarter of 2019. Friends together that couldn’t be indifferent and with the aim of helping rural communities heavily affected by natural disasters occurring in Mozambique, to rebuild their lives, namely through, the reconstruction of resilient school and health infrastructures.
Such an initiative was considered of utmost importance as Mozambique, is actually amongst one of the seven African countries most vulnerable to natural disasters.
To contribute to reach the development goals of the rural communities, through the creation of infrastructural conditions for namely the reduction of early neonatal deaths as well as women deaths due to problems in pregnancy and childbirth, and serious, even tragic childbirth injuries on women (e.g. obstetric fistula), due to the delayed access to maternity or hospitals, and increasing in the literacy, schooling and technical professional skills rates within those communities .
Our values
Our mobilization is based on raising awareness to the importance of the voluntary engagement and active citizenship as structuring principles of solidarity and in the commitment with providing timely information on the stage of each project, and on the status report of the actions taken to reach the proposed goals and on the allocation and the managemt of the financial resources made available.
Rebuild and deliver turn-key, schools and clinic/maternities to minimise suffering of rural poor population in the centre and north zones affected by the two above cyclones IDAI.